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Preaching from the Bible alone

We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Displaying 201 - 220 of 257

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/22/15 Sinful use of the Body Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2015_03_22_AM_Sinful_use_of_the_body_DC.mp3
03/15/15 Forgiveness Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2015_03_15_AM_Forgiveness_DC.mp3
02/22/15 Necessary Inference Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2015_02_22_AM_Necessary_Inference_DC.mp3
02/15/15 Authority of Jesus Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2015_02_15_SAM_Authority_of_Jesus_DC.mp3
02/08/15 Silence of the Bible LA Stauffer N/A Sunday AM 2015_02_08_AM_Silence_of_the_Bible_LS.mp3
01/25/15 Righteousness Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2015_1_25_Righteousness_DC2.mp3
01/18/15 Isaiah 53 Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2015_1_18_Isaiah_53.mp3
01/04/15 What the Lord has done for us Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2015_1_4_What_The_Lord_has_done_for_us_DC.mp3
12/14/14 The Flood Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2014_12_14_The_Flood_DC.mp3
11/23/14 Listen and Hear Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2014_11_23_SAM_DC__ListenandHear.mp3
10/26/14 Battle For Our Faith Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2014_10_26_SAM_DC_BattleForOurFaith.mp3
10/14/14 The Book of Life Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2014_10_14_SAM_DC_TheBookofLife.mp3
09/08/13 Modern Day Prophets Dempsey Collins Prophecy Sunday AM 2013_09_08_Modern_Day_Prophets_DC.mp3
09/01/13 Tyre - Fulfilled Prophecy Dempsey Collins Prophecy Sunday AM 2013_09_01_SAM_Fulfilling_Prophecy_Tyre_DC.mp3
09/01/13 Babylon - Fulfilled Prophecy Dempsey Collins Prophecy Sunday PM 2013_09_01_SPM_Babylon_Prophecy_DC.mp3
08/18/13 Giving Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2013_08_18_SAM_Giving_DC.mp3
08/04/13 Joseph Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2013_08_04_SAM_Joseph_DC.mp3
07/21/13 Caring for Widows Dempsey Collins N/A Sunday AM 2013_07_21_SunAM_Caring_for_Widows_DC.mp3
07/14/13 Designer - Human Body John Smith Evidences Sunday AM 2013_07_14_Designer_Human_Body.mp3
07/07/13 Designer Nick Soyars Evidences Sunday AM 2013_07_07_SAM_Design_Designer_NickSoyer.mp3

Displaying 201 - 220 of 257

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